Unsere TOP Angebote

  • $590,000
  • $3,500/sq ft

Guaranteed modern home

  • $590,000
  • $3,500/sq ft
9701 W Broadview Dr, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, Stati Uniti
  • Beds: 4
  • Baths: 2
  • 3400 Sq Ft
  • Single Family Home
9 Jahren vor
  • $459,000
  • $2,560/sq ft
Luxury home for sale

Luxury home for sale

  • $459,000
  • $2,560/sq ft
9400 E Broadview Dr, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, Stati Uniti
  • Beds: 3
  • Baths: 2
  • 2340 Sq Ft
  • Single Family Home
9 Jahren vor
  • $890,000
  • $3,690/sq ft
Amazing home for family

Amazing home for family

  • $890,000
  • $3,690/sq ft
1001 91st St, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, Stati Uniti
  • Beds: 4
  • Baths: 2
  • 2100 Sq Ft
  • Single Family Home
9 Jahren vor

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Newest Listings in Miami Beach, FL

Served up fresh just for you

Guaranteed modern home

  • $590,000
  • Beds: 4
  • Baths: 2
  • 3400 Sq Ft

Luxury home for sale

  • $459,000
  • Beds: 3
  • Baths: 2
  • 2340 Sq Ft

Amazing home for family

  • $890,000
  • Beds: 4
  • Baths: 2
  • 2100 Sq Ft

Family home for sale

  • $758,000
  • Beds: 3
  • Baths: 2
  • 1569 Sq Ft

Zahl des Monats: 4

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